Wednesday 20 August 2014

Beyonce’s “fake” performance cause uproar

By Magda Kanjejo
Many Kenyan musicians are in the habit of lip synching through their songs and putting no effort towards making their performances original and engaging, but this particular act has caused a lot of controversy and drama for Beyonce as she was accused of faking her celebrated performance of the national anthem during the inauguration ceremony that took place on Tuesday evening Kenyan time.
Media tabloids broke out, hitting hard on the mother of new born child with husband Jay-z, Blue Ivy, for being a “fake”‘ and disappointing fans by putting on an act that many said is unforgivable by her fans. Beyonce has not come out to publicly defend herself but posted pictures on her Tumblr page of what seem to be her rehearsing for the performance.
The controversy has also brought about some interesting political reactions mostly from the congressional republicans as reported by the Borowits report: “by lip synching the national anthem, Beyonce has cast a dark cloud over the president’s second term. The only way president Obama can remove this cloud is by resigning from office at once” said Sen Rand Paul.
He further went on to say: “if Beyonce lip synched the national anthem how do we know president Obama didn’t lip-synch his oath in office? If that’s the case, he’s not legally President but just to be on the safe side, he should resign anyway.’’ Talk about unrealistic drama and dreams
Well, whether the speculations are true or not, we may not know, but the fact still remains that Beyonce has an exceptionally beautiful voice (lip synched or not) and that is what has managed to earn her Grammy awards.
First published in January 2013.


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