Wednesday 20 August 2014

Bradley Cooper interested in Armstrong movie

By Caleb Mutua
Hollywood movie start Bradley Cooper is willing to act as Lance Armstrong in an upcoming movie about the fallen American cyclist.
The Hangover star, who has been nominated for Oscar, told BBC that it would be fascinating to take the role of Armstrong in the movie.
Armstrong admitted using banned substances to enhance cycling performance, helping him win seven Tour de France contests.
“I remember thinking, ‘that would be a great character, I’d love to play that character. I would love to do something,’ I think he’s pretty fascinating,” said Cooper.
Speaking during an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong (pictured) apologized for betraying his fans by taking performance-enhancing drugs since 1999-2005.
“I view this situation as one big lie I repeated a lot of times. I made those decisions, they were my mistake and I’m here to say sorry,” said Armstrong.
However, the 41-year-old star revealed that doping was part of the process required to win the Tour. He said that he did not feel he was cheating at that time and that he did not fear getting caught.
Some of the performance-enhancing drugs he took include Erythropoietin (EPO), testosterone, cortisone and human growth hormones. He also had several blood transfusions.
Paramount Pictures in conjunction with J.J Abrams’ production company have since confirmed its plans to produce a movie reflecting the life of the disgraced cyclist.
The movie is going to borrow a lot from a New York Reporter, Juliet Macur, who is set to launch her book Cycle of Lies: The Fall of Lance Armstrong inJune this year.
The author has covered the glory moments of Armstrong for more than a decade..
First published in January 2013


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